Hi! This blog is basically dedicated to Indie music, consisting of reviews and random thoughts that come up. Take a look around, listen to some tunes on the Last.fm widget on the sidebar, and maybe expand a few musical horizons.

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27 September 2008

deafness update 2

Well it's been about 7 hours now. I don't think there's much to report.
I tried listening to some music through my headphones but only got a little bit, which sucks, cause I really want to listen to music now.
And I read Switch Bitch by Roald Dahl in one sitting. It was a short story collection for adults, which is surprising since Dahl usually wrote a bunch of (very good) children's stories. I liked the book, though one of the stories was sorta crazy.
And then I took a nap, which I also did yeterday.

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