Hi! This blog is basically dedicated to Indie music, consisting of reviews and random thoughts that come up. Take a look around, listen to some tunes on the Last.fm widget on the sidebar, and maybe expand a few musical horizons.

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11 June 2008

oh dears...

Well I've been listening to a rather strange combination. Namely, The Dears and Sigur Rós.

Sigur Rós came out with a new album, which is probably the best new album I've heard in a while. Which is saying something, since they're always singing in Icelandic or their own Hopelandic. Oh shit apparently the last track is in English, and I haven't even noticed. I don't even know how to start to pronounce the new album's name, so... Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. Listen. Even though it's un...understandable, it's still pretty amazing. It starts off with a few lively tracks, which is a new thing for Sigur Rós, since they describe themselves as slow motion rock. In any case, it's definitely a good progression. Then it slows down into the characteristic Sigur Rós style, minimalistic and beautiful. The last four tracks are my personal favorites, lonely and sort of bleak. They evoke empty and cold landscapes. Beautiful ones though. Either the music or the AC had me shivering last night.

The Dears are supposed to have a new album in the works, but I've been listening to Gang of Losers again. I never did listen to a lot of The Dears, even though I liked them, so now I'm listening to a lot more. It's pretty hard to describe The Dears, except that they're pretty unique. A good example is Bandwagoneers. Creative name, great track. Take a listen.

1 comment:

runiteking1 said...

well 5 people exactly right now.

Me, clara, logan, yige and Weiping

and I post to fb to spread the word, that way people can come... (notice the ads.... I spend way too much time for no reward :)

there is no set theme for the posts, just basically what I feel like for each day.

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