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Last Played Tracks

16 June 2008


I listened to some stuff that isn't exactly regular fare for me. Crystal Castles is definitely more Electronica and it's not really indie, though it IS on Last Gang Records, which also includes Metric and some other indie bands. So it is indie in the sense that it's on an indie label, but... not exactly? They released a self-titled album and I recently got around to listening.

Anyways it's pretty good. Not that I really know much about Electronica. But it's not the generic repetetive stuff. The vocals are blurred and hard to understand, but I guess that's not really the point in this genre. Regardless (IRREGARDLESS is not a word!), it sounds neat, so I like it.

And then there was some band called HEALTH associated with a song (Crimewave), I'm not exactly sure how, but it's also a self-titled album, and it also has a track called Crimewave, though it's a LOT different. HEALTH is a lot more... noisy? It's described as noise rock per the Wikipedia, so it works, but I was expecting something a lot more like Crystal Castles. Didn't really like HEALTH first time through, haven't listened since.

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