Hi! This blog is basically dedicated to Indie music, consisting of reviews and random thoughts that come up. Take a look around, listen to some tunes on the Last.fm widget on the sidebar, and maybe expand a few musical horizons.

Last Played Tracks

30 March 2008


Well it appears that I've successfully listened to Stars for a week straight. not only that, I listened to more tracks per day than the average, I'm pretty sure. So to answer our question of "Is it possible to overdose on Stars?", I would give a resounding "NO!".

I enjoyed the music the whole time, never getting tired of it, showing the incredible talent that Stars possesses. Like I've said in a previous post, I don't know why exactly I like them to such an extent, but there's just some special connection. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that Stars is pretty much fucking amazing, cause they're not really trying to be especially "trendy" or "hip". It just happens. Like Torquil said in an interview with CBC Radio 3, the most punk thing you can do write now is to write a love song. It's not about the looks, media attention, or fame, it's about the music.

And that, perhaps, is why the Stars shine so brightly.

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