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05 December 2008


Some dumb fuck asswipe decided to erase my picture, which took 2 hours and was very pretty.
It was up for less than 8 hours.
So I decided to write a little note:

What USED to be on this board before someone thought it would be fun to erase it:

While a whiteboard on my door does invite others to contribute, simply erasing my drawing was both petty and uncalled for. Do you also like to torture small animals? You might want to get yourself checked. I bet you’re also the person who thinks drawing penises on this board is highly amusing. Yeah, definitely go get yourself checked. College might be a bit much for you. Take a break or something. OH WAIT. Maybe you DID want to contribute, but I purposely removed the marker so that the picture could at least be up for ONE DAY. Too bad you couldn’t draw penises all over the board, huh? I’m SO sorry for spoiling your fun. My friend said this was an offense that calls for murder, but I don’t know where you sleep and frankly don’t think you’re worth it (also I wouldn’t actually think about murdering anyone, if any UF officials think that statement was serious). You probably wet your bed anyways. You know what? I’ve got the perfect job for you. You would fit in well with the Spanish Inquisition. They definitely seem like your sort of people. Too bad you’re a few hundred years too late. Too bad people have become more intelligent and open to art. Too bad YOU HAVEN’T.

Anyways I’m going to go enjoy this concert later tonight. You’ll probably be crying yourself to sleep. Have a good life.

I printed that out and stuck it beside the whiteboard, which reads "who the FUCK erased my picture? it took me 2 hours. thanks ASSHOLE"

Anyways concert tonight.

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