She has a blackbelt in karate. Okay, Wilson was talking about how he wanted to mix this old-school rap song and Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt 1 by The Flaming Lips, which I had heard many years ago (when pluto was still a planet). I didn't really like the song then, since I had about 0 musical taste and I thought it was weird, but when Wilson played it I basically fell in love with it. I haven't really listened to the rest of the album, since Yoshimi is the 3rd song and I can't get past it, so I've listened to this song about 30 times already and it hasn't been a day.
Sooo yeah I like this song. So I drew it on the mirror, which is our room's way of leaving notes to each other. It's a very happy sounding song, though it's supposed to be about cancer or something. Isn't that odd?
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