Hi! This blog is basically dedicated to Indie music, consisting of reviews and random thoughts that come up. Take a look around, listen to some tunes on the Last.fm widget on the sidebar, and maybe expand a few musical horizons.

Last Played Tracks

01 February 2008


So I was randomly looking through music, and I happened across this band called Múm. It's some Icelandic band that does some nice instrumental and electroglitch indie. The sound is sort of like the older Architecture In Helsinki, with instrumental tracks and breathy vocals. It also sounds a bit like Broken Social Scene because of the distorted instruments. They occasionally have strange tracks, like Rhuubarbidoo, which has high pitched woodland animal-like voices, and They Made Frogs Smoke 'Til They Exploded, which just sounds funny. They also have a strange obsession with "swimmingpools" (one word). Apparently it's not so random because Lauren had already heard of them and there's some connection with Animal Collective.
All in all good background music when you need to work, but also good for just listening whenever.

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